Friday, April 03, 2009

Kerryn McCann died from cancer last year!!!

I was looking to sign up for the sydney half marathon in May, when i read that they have this memorial trophy for her. i thought, wait, doesnt sound right...last i heard of her she was running so many races for Australia, so still young and fit. then googled her name and found out she died last year, Dec 8. omg. i really really cant believe it. I prob watch the coverage of her win at the last commonwealth games, where she won a Gold medal in long distance running.

She was and still is a household name here for marathon and long distance running. I am really in shock. the feeling that someone u know passed away some time ago, and u only just found out.

Kerryn, I know u fought the cancer till the very end, just like how u ran your best in every race....

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