Thursday, July 02, 2009

so yesterday

as i just came off 3hrs of slp cos i was in theatre the nite b4, and finished a boring tutorial, i received the best news i have heard for a while. I was told i had passed 4th year. All praise and glory to God. He helped me through the many rough patches. He placed friends in my life that prayed for me, that studied with me and were patient with me.

the next moment, i was off on a plane to brisbane. really good weather, but havent gone for a run yet.

today while in UQ, walked passed a turkey. I was talking to this guy who is from UQ.

me: wow, i just saw a people here catch it and eat it, esp on thansgiving?

him: its a bush turkey. slightly different. u wouldnt want to eat it. Anyway, i am vegetarian

me: oh...ok.(thinking he would never have even thought of my stupid question on eating birds they see in school)

him: BUt if i had nothing else to eat, i would eat a bush turkey

the last sentence made me laugh.....

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