Friday, January 29, 2010


sososo run down.
everyday i leave hosp the latest(amongst the other students)
I completed my first mortality audit today!

funny thing at ward round this morn:
the team was visint one of our patients who had MET call yest. So he was t/f to ICU. we went into ICU. asked the nurse looking after him how he was....she said things werent too good the night before. He had to go for his operation.... upon hearing that word, we all stared at each other, thinking thats not expected and that its really really bad!

BUT, we checked the name again and it wasnt our patient. WHEW!
Discharged a patient today that is so lovely. Will miss him:(
Compared to the day before when I interviewed a patient and was so frustrated with the poor history he gave, once i stepped outside of hosp, i was yelling out to relieve my stress.....


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